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Випуск № 2 (15) >

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Другие названия: Розробка апаратно-програмного комплексу для виконання та контролю диспетчерського графіка навантаження Вуглегірської ТЕС відповідно до правил ДП «Енергоринок»
Development of Hardware and Software to Implement and Monitor the Load Dispatch Schedule of Uglegorskaya PowerPlant in Accordance with Rules of the State Enterprise "Energy Market"
Авторы: Шуклин, Р.В.
Казимирская, Л.В.
Захаров, А.Б.
Шуклін, Р.В.
Захаров, О.Б.
Ключевые слова: диспетчерский график
команда диспетчера
dispatching chart
manager instruction
диспетчерський графік
команда диспетчера
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 2 (15), 2013 р., 338 с.
Серия/номер: Электротехника и энергетика;
Аннотация: В данной статье рассмотрено внедрение действующих правил и требований ГП “Энергорынок” и НЭК “Укрэнерго” в составе программного комплекса системы отображения диспетчерской информации “Радник” на Углегорской ТЭС, а также основные его возможности
Описание: This paper deals with the improvement of supervisory regimes and analysis of power load curve for the active power. The main objective of this work was to improve the efficiency of operational management through the adoption of the best solutions to control the generation of active power and reduce the amount of erroneous actions of the operational staff. Collection of information on electricity generation is the automated control system of electricity metering (ACSEM).The ACSEM does not allow the operational staff to decide in real time based on the received information, because data enters the system with the increase and the actual mapping happens at the end of the reporting period. The dispatch schedule (DS) means the specified object dispatching a planned period of time the value of the output power, in consumption or power reserves. Performing the power dispatch schedule is a key task for the sustainability of the energy system for the balance of the active power. NEC "Ukrenergo" together with the SE "Energy market" make calculations of the preliminary balance of active power and generation of electricity power system. Also are possible the cases of the balance recalculation of power in the power system for various reasons (disconnection of generation, system lines, etc.). On the basis of the calculations are generated graphics load for each power unit. The main objective of generating companies is to carry out the loading schedule with a permissible variation. Changes in load of the power units must be made in accordance with the rules of the WEM. In case of deviation from set schedule penalties applied. Existing hardware solution allows discretely monitor load changes. This paper presents the hardware and software implementation of the following functions: 1) Automatically download layouts of the dispatch schedules; 2) The ability to connect to different sources of initial data on power (ACSEM, telemechanics); 3) Display the current telemetry of the instantaneous power output for each reporting hour; 4) Prediction of production at the end of an hour depending on the currently active load, which can significantly simplify the management of the power unit; 5) Graphical output deviation allowable change of the set point; 6) Ability to enter / delete dispatch commands to make changes to the power dispatch schedule; 7) Easy to use graphical representation of information; 8) Ability to work with archive information; 9) Ability to conduct mode indicated, as the remote control system and metering system; 10) Ability to constantly monitor the discrepancy between of the ACSEM and telemechanic systems; 11) the developed system of reporting; 12) The analysis of power for electricity generation in the reporting hour and per day. The principles of operation of the system. The initial information to the complex "Rudnick" is: 1) daily tasks that come from the CDS once a day (the data come in the form of text files on a predetermined schedule); 2) The current capacity of the station received from the remote control system station; 3)An Half-hour and hourly values of power stations, obtained from ACSEM system; 4) The five-minute power values of the station, telemetry received from the system-mechanics as a backup source of current measurements; 5) The Commands of dispatching load control, which are entered into the system manually by the shift supervisor station. To enter a command, the special user interface devised. The tasks enters the system from the database. These data are processed and recorded in the database Oracle. Current power units come from the remote control system or ACSEM. For this interface can be used SQL-server. The commands to change the DS are stored in a separate database of the Oracle server. The hardware is implemented on a microcontroller with galvanic isolation of each channel. This controller is present 8-channals 10 - bit ADС, which allows to obtain data of unit power with a resolving power of 0.407 MW. The practical value and implementation of the results. Created software components, "Rudnick", "Rudnick Calculator", "DS Analysis" - for the shift of the station, "Monitor blocks 1-7" - for operational staff of the boiler-turbine department. Software components have introduced in the daily operation and are used to maintain operation of power units at the Uglegorskaya TPS since 2012. The functions mentioned above would greatly facilitate the work of operational staff and a more rational use of the set of equipment, reduce the penalties.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23494
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск № 2 (15)

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