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Серія: Електротехніка та енергетика >
Випуск № 1 (14) >
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Другие названия: | Усовершенствованный метод расчета пиковых токов и потерь напряжения в сети электроснабжения группы машин контактной сварки Advanced Method of Calculation of Peak Currents and Voltage Losses in the Power Supply Network of Group of Resistance Welding Machines |
Авторы: | Погрібняк, Наталія Миколаївна Удовіченко, Констянтин Андрійович Єгорова, Інна Вікторівна Погребняк, Наталья Николаевна Удовиченко, Константин Андреевич Егорова, Инна Викторовна Pogrebnyak, N.N. UDOVICHENKO, K. EGOROVA, I. |
Ключевые слова: | peak current voltage loss electric network contact welding machine distribution function maximal calculated value пиковый ток потеря напряжения электрическая сеть машина контактной сварки функция распределения максимальное расчетное значение піковий струм втрата напруги електрична мережа машина контактної зварки функція розподілу максимальне розрахункове значення |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 1 (14), 2013 р., 358 с. |
Аннотация: | Запропонований наближений метод визначення пікових струмів і втрат напруги в електричній мережі
живлення групи машин контактної зварки (МКЗ). На прикладах показана висока ефективність метода, якій
може бути використаний при проектуванні мереж електропостачання МКЗ з метою обґрунтованого зменшення
капітальних витрат на мережу при гарантованому забезпеченні необхідного рівня напруги в ній. |
Описание: | When the power supply network of resistance welding machines is designed, it is
required to define the calculated values of peak currents and voltage losses, and one of the determining factors, when
the network is chosen, is ensuring of the necessary level of voltage in it, because undervoltage leads to defects of
connection, and at the same time excessive demands on the level of voltage increase the cost of the network. If the
number of machines in the group does not exceed 16-17, the exact solution can be found using distribution functions of
peak currents and voltage losses, which was calculated by selection of all possible variants of simultaneous operation of
welding machines. Development of approximate method for reducing the amount of calculations is necessary for a large
number of machines in the group. The exact calculation for small groups of machines shows that known approximate
methods give higher values of peak currents and voltage losses. The idea of the new method of calculation is that peak
currents of all three phases and drops of all linear voltages are calculated in complex form for every welder machine
when only this machine is connected to the network. Next, the distribution functions of the peak currents of each phase
and drops of three line voltages are determined separately by a single algorithm, which is considered, for example, for
peak current of phase A. Machines are divided into 7 groups. The first group gets machines which are not connected to
this phase, remaining machines are divided first in two groups by the phase of the current, and then each of these groups
is divided into groups by the size of the current module. As a result, each of the groups has machines whose influence
on the magnitude of the current of phase A is different as little as possible, which allows us to replace the current from
each of the welding machines on the average of the current group. As a result of such separation in the calculation of the
distribution function all possible combinations of the simultaneous operation of different numbers of machines from
groups are considered. This way significantly reduces number of calculations comparing with an exact calculation. The
probability and the total peak current are determined for each combination (the probability is calculated by average
coefficient of inclusion). The results of calculation allow us to construct the distribution function of peak current of
phase A with the boundary probability ex and to determine its maximum design value. In order to reduce the amount of
calculation, the calculation of the distribution function is performed (with a margin Δex ) until it reaches a value of 1 -
ex + Δex . The comparison of known and developed methods showed that the latter is the most accurate. Its use will
provide a reasonable decrease in the capital cost of electric power supply network of welding machines, and at the same
time the required level of voltage will be guaranteed. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23200 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск № 1 (14)
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