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Випуск № 1 (14) >

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Другие названия: Modeling of Modes of Motor-Driven Mainline Pump Units Using Automated System with Soft Starter
Моделирование режимов роботы электроприводных магистральных насосных агрегатов с использованием автоматизированной системы плавного пуска
Авторы: КОСТИШИН, В.С.
Ключевые слова: Bond Graph модель
устройство плавного пуска
асинхронный двигатель
электроприводной центробежный насосный агрегат
магистральные нефтепроводы
динамические режимы работы
Bond Graph model
soft starter
induction motor
motor-driven centrifugal pump unit
main oil pipelines
dynamic modes
пристрій плавного пуску
асинхронний двигун
магістральні нафтопроводи
динамічні режими роботи
електроприводний відцентровий насосний агрегат
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 1 (14), 2013 р., 358 с.
Аннотация: Проведено аналіз енергоспоживання під час пуску магістрального насосного агрегату з використанням софтстартера із різними законами регулювання напруги в порівнянні з прямим пуском. Моделювання режимів роботи виконано на основі комплексної Bond Graph моделі електроприводного відцентрового насосного агрегату із підмоделлю регулятора напруги.
Описание: In spite of obvious advantages of regulated electric drives, that have been confirmed by experience in other industries, their application to main oil pipelines is limited. The main research task was to compare different laws of the soft starters regulating voltage and to analyse the consumed energy during the start-up of the motor-driven centrifugal main pump unit compared with direct starting. Research tasks are implemented using the complex Bond Graph model of the motor- driven centrifugal pump unit which was added with submodels of voltage regulator. Linear and exponential laws the variation of voltage have been incorporated into submodels of soft starter TRU. Adjustable parameters of these laws are initial voltage U0 and the voltage change time tU during start the motor pump unit. Research starting modes have been performed with the direct start and soft start on the opened valve of the motor-driven centrifugal main pump unit NGK- 500/450/100 with a drive induction motor 4АЗМВ-2500/6000-У2 of Ukrtransnafta branch "Trunk oil pipelines "Druzhba" pumping station "Pleschivka". It was found that the exponential law more accelerates acceleration of the engine and reduces the multiplicity of starting currents and the electromechanical efforts depending on time acceleration. However, with increasing of time of engine's acceleration the energy consumption during start-up of motor-driven centrifugal pump unit is increased too. In this manner the inrush currents and electromagnetic moments multiplicities reduced with help of soft starter allows us to increase energy consumption during start time by adjustable electric drive compared with direct starting. Using the complex Bond Graph model of motor-driven centrifugal pump unit for modeling modes in soft starter’s systems helps us to realize more rational controls algorithms which allow resolving the issue of increasing the energy efficiency level and energy saving equipment of main oil pipelines.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23168
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск № 1 (14)

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