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Випуск № 1 (14) >

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Другие названия: Моделювання втрат в електротехнологічному комплексі при спільній роботі дугових сталеплавильних печей
Design of Losses in Electro-Technological Complex During Joint Work of Arc Steel-Smelting Stoves
Авторы: ЗАЛУЖНЫЙ, М.Ю.
Ключевые слова: modeling
losses of electric energy
electro-technological complex
arc steel-smelting stove
non-sinusoidal current
втрати електричної енергії
електротехнологічний комплекс
дугова сталеплавильна піч
несинусоїдальність струму
потери электрической энергии
электротехнологический комплекс
дуговая сталеплавильная печь
несинусоидальность тока
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 1 (14), 2013 р., 358 с.
Аннотация: Предложена компьютерная модель сталеплавильного комплекса, позволяющая исследовать влияния совместной работы дуговых сталеплавильных печей на электромагнитные процессы в электротехническом оборудовании и системе электроснабжения комплекса. Показано, что потери электрической энергии увеличиваются по нелинейному закону с ростом несинусоидальности тока в обеих сталеплавильных печах.
Описание: The current share of steel produced in electric arc furnaces in the volume of world steel output exceeds 30%. The increase is accompanied by increased melting furnace capacity, which reaches 200 tons. Power consumption is 100 - 200MVA. Work of arc steel-smelting stoves, with the unstable consumption of reactive-power, is accompanied by an origin in the electric network of vibrations of tension, and non-linearity and unsymmetry of the phase currents consumed by a stove result in non-sinusoidal current, unsymmetry voltage. The primary requirement is to reduce the energy losses at the optimum energy consumption and energy efficiency of electrical and electro technology equipment. Even a slight reduction of energy losses in a piece of equipment results in a significant increase in economic performance in the system. Therefore, the research questions of losses in the steel-making complex are of great interest. For researches of influence of joint work of arc steel-smelting stoves on electromagnetic processes the computer model of steel-smelting complex was offered in an electrical engineering equipment and system of electrical engineering complex. Arc gap is a nonlinear element, which is described by Cassie. Researches were conducted at withholding of non-sinusoidal in one stove permanent, and in the second changed it in the range of 0-78%. Dependences of change of losses were obtained on a high-voltage side at different connections of windings of network and electro-stove transformers. The analysis of the obtained results showed that the charts of connection did not influence the character of change of losses. The maximum difference between the increment of losses under various schemes of connection of the transformer windings will not exceed 9% to 60% of non-sinusoidal. These relationships have characteristic extremes shown in the figure. Maximum losses occur in both ovens. Before and after these peaks, there is a decrease of losses. This allowed the dependencies of approximate polynomial functions.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23160
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск № 1 (14)

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