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Другие названия: Method of Constructing Efficient Low-frequency Amplifiers with Ultra-low Distortion
Метод побудови економічних підсилювачів низької частоти з наднизькими спотвореннями
Авторы: Борисов, А.А.
Borisov, A.A.
Борисов, О.О.
Ключевые слова: робоча точка
вольт-амперна характеристика
широко-імпульсна модуляція
фазові спотворення
current-voltage characteristics
thermal stability
pulse-width modulation
phase distortions
рабочая точка
вольтамперная характеристика
широтно-импульсная модуляция
фазовые искажения
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: Донецький національний технічний університет
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Обчислювальна техніка та автоматизація. Випуск 2 (25). - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. С - 183-189
Аннотация: Выполнен анализ общих принципов схемотехнических решений и соответствующих классов режимов работы усилителей низкой частоты. Предложен схемотехнический метод построения экономичных усилителей низкой частоты со сверхнизкими искажениями.
Описание: General principles of circuit design and corresponding classes of low-frequency amplifiers modes are analyzed. Circuit design method for constructing efficient low-frequency amplifiers with ultra-low distortion are proposed. The goal is achieved due to the fact that in the selection circuit consisting of the main amplifier the distortion is amplified by the number of times exceeding the main amplifier gain, and then an additional output amplifier signal is reduced by an attenuator or a transformer by the number of times equal to the ratio of auxiliary amplifier effort coefficient to the main amplifier gain coefficient. In order to minimize its distortion in the loop of signal gain distortion, it is advisable to minimize the phase distortion of the output transformer and cover it with a shallow negative feedback. In a wideband power amplifier in order to reduce size, weight and phase distortion of the output transformer, it is advisable to suppress low frequency components of the signal distortion, and to calculate the corresponding transformer frequency band. The output of the main semiconductor amplifier in power-efficient mode is shunted with a RC-chain or a capacitor to reduce the output resistance to high-frequency voltage at low signal levels. The relatively low power auxiliary amplifier determines its performance and high-speed mode. Dynamic distortions of low-frequency signals are determined by the speed of auxiliary distortion amplifier, which must be as high as possible (thousands of volts per microsecond). In the heavy-duty auxiliary amplifiers the distortion is amplified using the proposed method. The resolution of the amplifier is determined by setting accuracy and the quality of passive components.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22872
ISSN: 2075-4272
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