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Другие названия: Mathematical Model of Safety Function of Apparatus AZUR-4 during Tripping of Damaged Cable Connection of Double-Speed Induction Motor Disconnected Winding
Математическая модель защитной функции аппарата АЗУР-4 при обесточивании поврежденного кабельного присоединения отключенной обмотки двухскоростного асинхронного двигателя
Авторы: Руссіян, Станіслав Анатолійович
Russijan, S.A.
Руссиян, Станислав Анатольевич
Ключевые слова: шахта
двухскоростной асинхронный двигатель
утечка тока
аппарат защиты
power network
current leakage
two-speed induction motor
electrical shock
protective device
двошвидкісний асинхронний двигун
виток струму
апарат захисту
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: Донецький національний технічний університет
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Обчислювальна техніка та автоматизація. Випуск 2 (25). - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. С - 50-56
Аннотация: Шляхом комп’ютерного моделювання встановлена можливість розповсюдження захисної дії загальномережевого апарата захисту від витоків струму на землю АЗУР-4 на кабельне приєднання відключеної обмотки двошвидкісного асинхронного двигуна за рахунок з’єднання нульових точок обмоток вказаного двигуна.
Описание: Today in coal mining two-speed induction motors are widely used. The main feature of these motors - two independent stator windings with different numbers of poles. This allows the motor to operate at two different speeds. Disabled state of one winding leads to induction to the other winding transformer EMF, which causes a voltage applied to cable connection of disconnected winding. Insulation damage of such cable connection can lead to current leakage, in particular, through the resistance of the human body. This can lead to a fatal electrocution. Despite the presence of network-wide protection device AZUR-4 cable connection of disconnected winding does not fall under its protective effect. The cause is that there are no electrical connection between the network and disconnected winding. To improve the operational safety of the mine section network it is actual to research into the process of current leakage in the cable connection of double-speed induction motor disconnected winding. To identify by AZUR-4 the current leakage to earth in the cable connection of disconnected winding it is proposed to interconnect the zero points of both motor windings. This will provide the electrical connection between the windings and allow using DC control device to control the insulation resistance to earth of cable connection of disconnected motor winding. To calculate the leakage current through the resistance of the human body in a power network with two-speed motor according to the equivalent circuit the computer model is composed. The model includes the secondary winding of section transformer, to which by flexible cable the nominal speed winding of two-speed motor is connected. To the disconnected winding the second flexible cable is connected, in which a leakage current appears. The model allows to calculate instantaneous values of leakage current and the amount of electricity which got through resistance of human body. Also the model contains measuring part of AZUR-4. There is a possibility to track the change of voltage on the reactive organ of AZUR-4. By a computer simulation the possibility of protective function distribution of AZUR-4 on the cable joining of disconnected winding of two-speed asynchronous motor was ascertained due to connection of both windings zero points of winding motor.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22628
ISSN: 2075-4272
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 2 (25)'2013

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