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Научные труды ДонНТУ >
Серія: Педагогіка, психологія і соціологія >
Випуск 2(12) >
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Другие названия: | НЛП-методи навчання іноземнiй мовi з урахуванням типів сприйняття студентів NLP Methods for Learning a Foreign Language Based on the Types of Perception of Students |
Авторы: | КЛОЧКО, И. А. Kлочко, I. A. Klochko, I. |
Ключевые слова: | visual visualization kinesthetics modality gestalt-therapy anchoring metaphor mnemonics візуал візуалізація аудиал кінестетик модальність гештальт-терапія мнемотехніка якореніє метафора визуал аудиал кинестетик модальность гештальт-терапия мнемотехника якорение метафора |
Дата публикации: | 2012 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Педагогіка, психологія і соціологія. Випуск 2 (12) 2012 – Донецьк: ДВНЗ «ДонНТУ», 2012. — 222 с |
Аннотация: | В статье идет речь о роли методик НЛП в обучении, в частности иностранному языку,
рассматриваются некоторые особо интересные методы, применяемые учителями- практикантами на уроках. Также даются четкие характеристики студентов по типам их
восприятия, описание поведения, основные признаки различия детей, исходя из типа, также дается ряд рекомендаций для обучения всех типов студентов иностранному языку |
Описание: | The article shows the key concepts of NLP: representational systems (modalities), verbal
predicates, visualization, rapport. The author reveales the influence of a child’s nervous system and
brain structure on his/her learning results. Besides, the author reviews current NLP techniques used in
teaching, such as taking into account peculiarities of each child (types of perception), the possibility of
visual abilities development and implementation of multi-training in order to provide information
according to all the three modalities.
In this article all the three modalities are shown in detail, so that we can easily define any of
them just looking at their descriptions. As we know the majority of people use visual type of perception,
so in this article one can find detailed information about visualization and how it can be used during
English lessons, how it can help a teacher in holding a successful lesson. And certainly the ways of
handling all the three types of students` perception are presented in the article.
So new methods in psychology and pedagogy are really useful in the process of teaching. We
can put them into practice very easily and be sure that they will give positive results.
Besides, we provide the conception of so-called effective lesson based on the statement that a
lesson should be associated with something very pleasant, that teachers should avoid the particle “not”
in the process of training and, certainly, support students` attempts to work individually.
The importance of multitraining is very great in the modern life. The conception of using the
mixture of all the three modalities is used. It is considered to be very effective for students in the process
of studying and also for teachers who are constantly in search of new teaching methods. When a person
can use both parts of the brain - right and left, do different tasks, it means that the aim of the lesson is achieved |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18599 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 2(12)
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