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Название: Kinetics of co-pyrolysis of high- and low-sulfur coal blends with additives
Авторы: Butuzova, L
Makovskyi, R
Bondaletova, V
Dedovets, D
Butuzov, G
Ключевые слова: sulfur coals
Дата публикации: Окт-2011
Издатель: Abstracts of International conference on coal science & technology (ICCS&T). – Oviedo (Spain)
Аннотация: Previous investigations indicate that the dependence of the coal structure and reactivity on sulfur content is fairly strong. But there no a comparative data in the scientific literature about the thermal behaviour of low- and high-sulphur coals of the same rank in coking blends and in presents of additives. Developments of pretreatment methods for sulfur coals are especially desirable for reduction of the sulfur content in pyrolysis products and for the control of caking ability. The components of coal-tar and radical polymerization initiator are deemed as the most effective additives for cokemaking and for a study of the pyrolysis mechanisms. The effectiveness of such materials at the different stages of pyrolysis process was compared. The aim of this paper is a detailed study of the kinetic behaviour of low- and high-sulphur coals and their blend during pyrolysis with additives using thermogravimetry method and elucidation of usability of the thermokinetic analysis for coke properties determination
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11783
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации кафедры химической технологи и топлива

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