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Серія: Інформатика, кібернетика та обчислювальна техніка >
Випуск 1 (19) >
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Название: | Расширение группы методов поиска аналитического решения модельной задачи о напорной фильтрации газовой смеси в сплошной среде (на примере пневмообработки угольного пласта) |
Другие названия: | Розширення групи методів пошуку аналітичного рішення модельної задачі про напірну фільтрацію газової суміші в суцільному середовищі (на прикладі пневмообробки вугільного шару) Expansion of a group of methods of search of an analytical solution of the model task about the pressure head filtration of the gas mix in the continuous environment (on the example of pneumoprocessing of coal layer). |
Авторы: | Добровольский, Ю.Н. Добровольський, Ю.М. Dobrovolsky, Yu.N. |
Ключевые слова: | фильтрация газовой смеси газовая смесь сплошная среда пневмообработка аналитические методы напорная фильтрация фільтрація газової суміші газова суміш суцільне середовище пневмообробка аналітичні методи напірна фільтрація pressure filtration analytical methods pneumatic processing continuous medium gas mixture filtration gas mixture |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Інформатика, кібернетика та обчислювальна техніка : збірник статей. Вип. 1(19) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: О.Є. Башков (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | Предложена новая серия аналитических методов для решения задачи о напорной фильтрации газовой смеси в сплошной среде. Приведены теоретические сведения и практические
аспекты применения методов. |
Описание: | A new series of analytical methods for the solution of the task of pressure head filtration of a gas mix in the continuous environment begun in [1] is offered. Theoretical data and practical aspects of application of methods are provided. In work [1] five analytical methods were offered: the simplest method of division of variables, solution search implicitly, solution search in the form of square function concerning argument x, solution search by differentiation, solution search in a parametrical form. In this article a general approach to the search of analytical
methods for the solution of a model task on pressure head filtration of a gas mix is offered. The idea of all methods consists in the following:
a) this differential equation in private derivatives is considered as functional and differential equality, the variables in which are divided;
b) any functions depending on the same argument are entered, other functions linearly are defined through the
entered ones so that they satisfy the given functional differential equality; after that the task breaks into simpler
ones that finally leads to a system of ordinary differential equations.
Method No. 1. Method of the generalized and functional division of variables. The solution of the equation in the form of a function of a complex argument which is presented in the form of the sum of two functions of argument of t, one of which linearly depends on x, is looked for. Method No. 2. Splitting method. The solution of the
equation in the form of a function of a complex argument which is presented in the form of the sum of two functions of argument of t, one of which quadratically depends on x, is looked for. Method No. 3. Splitting method.
The solution of the equation in the form of a function of a complex argument which is presented in the form of the sum of two functions of various arguments is looked for. Method No. 4. Splitting method. The s olution of the equation in the form of a function of a complex argument which is presented in the form of the sum of two functions one of which depends on parameter ξ is looked for. The solution of other equations of system (11) is defined as in [1]. Only practical application can show which method should be preferred. At the final stage for full research and the search of an analytical solution of a model task about pressure head filtration of a gas mix in the continuous environment it is necessary to apply Fuchs – Kovalevsky – Painleve test, and that will be the subject
of the next article. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30901 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 1 (19)
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