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Вестник Донецкого национального технического университета >
№2(2)'2016 >
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Название: | Особенности кристаллизации дифенила, дифенилметана, дифенилэтана в зависимости от термической предыстории жидкой фазы |
Другие названия: | Features of crystallization of diphenyl, diphenylmethane and diphenylethane depending on the thermal prehistory of the liquid phase |
Авторы: | Александров, В.Д. Покинтелица, Е.А. Aleksandrov, V.D. Pokintelitsa, E.A. |
Ключевые слова: | дифенил дифенилметан дифенилэтан термический анализ кристаллизация расплавов diphenyl diphenylmethane diphenylethane thermal analysis crystallization of melt |
Дата публикации: | 2016 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Александров, В. Д. Особенности кристаллизации дифенила, дифенилметана, дифенилэтана в зависимости от термической предыстории жидкой фазы / В. Д. Александров, Е. А. Покинтелица // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №2(2). - С. 18–23. - Библиогр. в конце ст. |
Аннотация: | Методом циклического термического анализа исследована кристаллизация расплавов дифенила, дифенилметана и дифенилэтана. Установлено, что в зависимости от величины прогрева расплавов углеводородов относительно соответствующих температур плавления и дальнейшего охлаждения фиксируются два вида кристаллизации: квазиравновесная и неравновесно-взрывная. |
Описание: | Background. Research of crystallization of melt of dual hydrocarbons such as diphenyl,
diphenylmethane, and diphenylethane is important for the obtaining technology of these substances, because in a solid state they are used as scintillators, phosphors, photoresistors, sensitizes etc.
Materials and/or methods. The studies were conducted using cyclic thermal analysis and optical microscopy. All studies were conducted on diphenyl, diphenylmethaneand diphenylethane in similar conditions (mass 0.5 g, cooled at velocities of 0.08-0.1 K/s in the specified temperature interval including the melting point, corresponding overheating and overcooling).
Results. According to thermograms of melting-crystallization, the crystallization parameters were determined and used to calculate various characteristics of phase transformations. A diagram is developed showing the entropy change during melting and two different types of crystallization – quasi-equilibrium and non-equilibrium-explosive.
It was revealed that the total entropy change during nonequilibrium crystallization, consisting of three parts (nucleation, coagulation of nucleus, and isothermal crystallization), is equal to the total entropy change during quasi-equilibrium crystallization, consisting only of isothermal crystallization. By optical microscopy, the difference of the crystal structures obtained under different crystallization types is shown.
The analysis of the interaction energy of relevant molecules in the crystalline state along various crystallographic directions is carried out. It is shown that the melting has severalstages: initially along
the direction c, and then along directions a and b, and the crystallization will depend on the degree of the crystal lattice destruction during melting.
Conclusion. It is found out that depending on the magnitude of warming up the melt of all hydrocarbons relative to temperatures of melting and further cooling two kinds of crystallization are recorded:
quasi-equilibrium (without overcooling) and non-equilibrium-explosive (with vercooling). The results are interpreted based on the analysis of the structure of the investigated substances. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30594 |
Другие идентификаторы: | УДК 532.7:532.783:539.213 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | №2(2)'2016
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