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Другие названия: | The State: Origin and Qualitative Characteristics |
Авторы: | Тарасевич, В.Н. Tarasevich, V.N. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональная теория институты государство гражданское общество власть-собственность government civil society power-property держава громадянське суспільство влада-власність |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | Представлена трактовка государства как
результата эволюции универсумных образований
до цивилизационного уровня, особым образом
организованного общества, системы собственно
институтов и организаций, призванных упорядочивать его жизнедеятельность. Выделены качественные признаки государства, в том числе, редистрибуция, монополизация собственно институтов и насилия, власть-собственность, особый характер экономической субъективации, конфликт общественного и кланово-корпоративного начал. |
Описание: | The article interprets the state as a result of the universe formations evolution to civilizing level, specifically organized society, the system of institutions and organizations proper, designed to organize
their life activity. Unlike the state, the civil society is an adequate sphere of non-governmental life activity of its citizens.
In the most general sense the reasons for the state origin were the expansion and complication of socio-political, economic, spiritual and institutional activities, as well as prestate universe formations to
civilizing level. An enhanced passionary of the leading ethnic group, as well as favorable natural and climatic conditions played a significant role in the formation of the first ancient Eastern states
In accordance with the universe approach the
qualitative characteristics of the ancient Eastern state are immanent to all areas of its activity: economic, political, social and spiritual. The most significant of
these features are: power-property as a system of interrelated and "fighting" for the dominance components: individual, personal, private, clan and corporate; redistribution in a broad sense, not tribal, ethnic but administrative and territorial principle of organization; monopolization of lawmaking and violence; institutional fixation of social stratification and inequality; sacralization of the ruler; approval of the state religion (ideology) and language; setting and protection of institutional boundaries of public education; the formation of the institutions of creation and transformation of institutions; the implementation of
key economic functions in connection with the growth of complicated cooperation
The "bearing structure" of this system is power and property. In this context the following hypothesis requires consideration and check: if the conception and birth of the state happens under the domination of
power and property, the translation and consolidation of some unos in the state unotype, qualities of power and property are quite likely. In other words, the power and property reports to the state possess not
only specific oriental, but also general qualities, those invariants, which are immanent to any state, regardless of place and time of its existence. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29547 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 2
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