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Другие названия: | New Public Management in the Russian System of Higher Professional Education |
Авторы: | Курбатова, М.В. Kurbatova, M.V. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональная экономика государственный менеджмент высшее образование эффективный контракт public management higher education effective contract |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | Целью данной статьи является характеристика использования в управлении российском высшим образованием ряда инструментов нового государственного менеджмента (НГМ).
В российской экономике передовиком во внедрении принципов НГМ стало Министерство образования и науки РФ. После прошедших в 2011-2012 гг. выборов открылось «окно возможностей» для проведения очередной серии реформ в духе НГМ. Основным направлением стало изменение организационно-экономического механизма функционирования системы ВПО. Показано, что российская бюрократия умело использует инструменты НГМ для достижения целей бюджетной оптимизации и укрепление своих властных позиций в обществе. Результатом таких действий вместо развития предпринимательских начал оказывается «бюрократический интервенционизм». Вузы и преподаватели втягивают в гонку «работы на показатели». |
Описание: | Administrative reform, which began in Russia
in 2004, largely based on the principles of New Public Management («New Public Management», NGM). Forerunner in introducing NPM principles in management of public sector was the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The purpose of this article is to describe a range of tools NGM, currently in use in the Russian system of HPE, and identifying the impact of their implementation activities for professors.
After the elections of 2011-2012 and the
opening of a "window of opportunity" for Russia in the next series of reforms, the focus of reforming was to change the organizational-economic mechanism
of the branches of the public sector, including the HPE system. First of all, the process of institutional change in the nature and status of Russian universities is under completion. Its essence is to consider
schools as agents of the state in the production of educational services and the alignment of the chain of agency, which aims to provide greater social efficiency in the allocation of resources in society by
strengthening the orientation of universities on its educational needs and more efficient use of resources. Universities are seen as some sort of firms
producing educational services for consumers - their customers. The state creates for them a quasi-market environment in the allocation of state and of attracting private resources, as well as sets up a system of incentives activities aimed at improving the quality of educational services produced with the effective
use of public funds. In the Russian "institutional context" it means that decisions on important issues of public choice - the determination of the educational services quality and the volume of their production, are in the administrative power of the state bureaucracy. Instead, the development of business began forming "bureaucratic interventionism."
Implementing the principles of NPM (forming
a chain of agency accountability in the production of public services) in HPE the Russian bureaucracy exempts itself from political control. Concurrently, it
builds downstream links of this chain on a rigid bureaucratic basis. Using the NGM tools, it is trying to build a system of external (quasi) incentives aimed at increasing competitiveness and bureaucratic control in the chain of agency "state - university - university professors." The corresponding changes in the socio-economic situation of the heads of universities and teachers implemented gradually and veiled by measures to improve the efficiency of the
industry, including improvement of the system of remuneration. There is built a system of external evaluation of the schools administration and teachers’ activities, which replaces the existing standards of conduct and academic reputational control mechanisms.
However, in the context of this managerization in the context of "bureaucratic interventionism" takes on a
very peculiar shape. Teachers of the central agents pretending to the residual income and control, turn into conventional agents falling into complete dependence on university administrations. There are
eliminated its activity monitoring mechanisms by the university community. University administrations, teachers appear out of control, but fall under bureaucratic pressure of the officials at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the management of the Russian universities, and not formed as an independent subject of decision-making, is transformed into lower-level politicized bureaucrats.
In modern Russia, NGM tools are used so that
the central figure is politicized bureaucracy. According to the already adopted regulations for universities built an extensive system of monitoring of their
work based on formalization rates. It is deployed a largescale "work on indicator." The Russian bureaucracy, instead of creating organizational and economic conditions to improve the efficiency of HPE, joined the race for producing "signals" about their presence. Universities are drawn into the race for production of "signals" about improving the quality of products they are commissioned by the state educational services and increase the economic
efficiency of their activities. University professors are involved in the race simulation activities. The system of external evaluation of teachers, build in a
cross-cutting system of bureaucratic control, turns a teacher into a "cog" in the production of educational services. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29516 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 2
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