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Другие названия: | Tariff Policy of the Utilities Sector and Electoral Behavior of Population: Mechanisms of Interrelation |
Авторы: | Ермишина, А.В. Yermishyna, A.V. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональная теория тарифы ЖКХ электоральное поведение населения городские округа тарифи ЖКГ електоральна поведінка населення міські округи utility tariffs population electoral behavior city districts |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | Исследуется взаимосвязь уровня тарифов
на основные коммунальные услуги и электорального поведения населения городских округов Ростовской области. Для анализа количественных данных используется кластерный анализ, который позволяет получить группировку городов со сходными уровням и коммунального и электорального благополучия. Результаты анализа полезны для корректировки тарифной политики в
ЖКХ в целях повышения политической стабильности в обществе. |
Описание: | The aim of the research is to identify the
interrelation between electoral behavior of Russian cities and productivity of tariff policy of the Utilities.The research verifies the following research
1) High level of the tariffs billed by the
Utilities and/or stable trend of fast growth leads to the increase in electoral activity and decrease in the level of population loyalty to the party in power.
2) High electoral activity and low level of population loyalty to the party in power fosters correction of The Utilities tariff policy either by means of decreasing or by slowing down their growth.
3) Low electoral activity of population
stipulates realization of tough tariff policy in municipality which results in the increased level of The Utilities tariffs and acceleration in their growth. Empirical model is form ed by means of uncovering connection/interconnection between the indices characterizing electoral behavior of the population, on the one hand, and the level of regulated tariffs of The Utilities on the other.
Empirical basis of the research has been built by the data collected in the cities of Rostov region (12 urban districts) from 2008 to 2013. Electoral behavior of the population is characterized by the results of the elections to Legislative Assembly of Rostov region (Septem ber, 2013), gathered on the official website of The Central electoral commission of the Russian
Federation. Electoral behavior of population characterizes electoral activity and the level of population loyalty to «the party in power». Electorates' participation in the election is used as index of electoral activity. The level of loyalty to the party in power is evaluated by means
of the index of votes cast by the voters in favor of the party of m ajority (Rostov regional branch of the Party «Yedinaya Rossiya») per total valid voting
For indices of the Utilities tariffs the tariffs for the m ost important utility resources have been
used: tariffs for water supply and water
redistribution and those for heating. The data has been collected for the period from 2008 to 2013 on the official website of Rostov tariff service. The level
of salaries in the cities of Rostov region has also been used for evaluation of affordability of the utilities.
Quantitative data has been analyzed through
statistical analysis (eva luation of level and dynamics of the Utilities tariffs, electoral activity and level of loyalty to the party in power in city districts),
correlational analysis (identifying the link between dynamics of The Utilities tariffs, electoral activity and level of population political loyalty) and cluster
analysis (grouping city districts according to similar indices of dynamics of The Utilities tariffs, electoral activity and population loyalty to a party in power).
The analysis of electoral behavior of
population enabled to single out «electorally» favorable and unfavorable city districts of Rostov region. The analysis of the level of average monthly
salary has given an opportunity to evaluate the level of «utility welfare» of the cities. Combining two groupings of city districts we get the matrix of
electoral and utility welfare of the cities in Rostov region. On the whole, interpretation of the results of the research under consideration has enabled us to evaluate the influence of political factors on economic state of regulated branches of The Utilities on the one hand, and evaluate the possibility to use econom ic regulation as a factor of political competition and maintaining political stability on the other. From practicality perspective, the results of the research can be useful in the process of forming the strategy of developing utility com plex of municipality according to social and political consequences of decisions made. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29320 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 1 (11)
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