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Другие названия: The New Institutional Order of the Russian Households
Авторы: Бондаренко, И.А.
Bondarenko, I.A.
Ключевые слова: институциональная экономика
институциональный порядок
институциональная среда
институциональная система домохозяйства
institutional order
institutional environment
institutional system of household
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Дано авторское определение институционального порядка домохозяйства, проведен анализ существующих научных представлений об институциональном порядке, среде и структуре институциональной системы. Рассмотрена эволюция институционального порядка российских домохозяйств: компоненты порядка, их взаимосвязь и комплементарность, изменчивость и устойчивость внутренних связей. Значимость изучения и понимания влияния институционального порядка на поведение домохозяйств как экономических субъектов настолько велико, что должно стать предметом социально-экономической политики государства и регионов. Институты экономического порядка играют в жизни общества и домашних хозяйств функцию навигатора, который помогает членам домохозяйства формулировать цели и задачи хозяйственной деятельности, определяться с приоритетами поведения, ориентироваться в мире информации и неопределённости.
Описание: In the structure of market relations, the economic interaction of subjects of economic behavior in the form of agreements constitute the basic element for establishing the institutional order. This form of exchange institutionalization makes it possible to establish mutually beneficial relations between the parties, to identify and agree upon economic values, and to communicate. The institutional order of households is established as the result of interacting between the institutional environment and institutional structure of the latter. Economic institutions provide for the integration of valuable samples of the economic subjects into particular socio-economic actions depending on the role expectations, regulations and motivations of household members. The institutional order arises spontaneously as the result of interaction between institutions, but as the goals are achieved and the implementation mechanism is stabilized, it transforms into the order established, i.e. the order implemented with its own tools – rules, regulations, and institutions. This implies that the institutional order of households is the recognized by subjects of economy total of formal and informal values, rational and motivational objectives, limitations and rules of economic behavior, allowing their members to exercise their economic interests, coordinating them with the interests of other economic agents. Gradually, the social economic system changes and deviates from the economic order established by the system of legal regulation of economics. Growing contradictions require adjustments to the organizational system of ensuring the existing economic order. A household is the most numerous subject of the institutional structure, therefore changes in its structure will lead to serious economic and institutional consequences, since the entire system of economic power stays effective only when the interests of economic subjects coincide in with the established competition, taxation, sanctions and preferences, developed by the supreme authorities. The system of interests of households does not remain constant but varies provided that the state and companies change conditions of short- and medium-term contracts. Within the economic time, what presented, in the annual perspective, the interest for the mass of national households, may lose its attractiveness due to the dubious information and distrust for the long term resolutions of the government. The change of predominant forms of property and transition to market relations determine the new rules and the new system of economic views and priorities for the household as an economic subject. The institution of property gives households the right to possess goods and assets, hence the possibility of exchanging the rights of property ownership is established. The established procedure implies the stable, effective work of the household property institution in the sphere of production, distribution, consumption and exchange of their own labor benefits and received in the form of transfers or exchange with other economic subjects (companies, households, banks, etc.). The nature and ownership structure predetermine the type of household reproduction, the scale of reproduction and the economic ability of households to implement their goals. The internal institutional environment of a household experience a tremendous external environmental impact. If the latter changes due to the factors destroying the mechanism of reproduction of the institutions content in their traditional form, the mechanism of their value orientation gets to break down, as well as the traditions and ways of ensuring their integrity. The household as an economic subject experiences the complementary impact of both external and internal institutional environments, which results in changes of its economic behavior. In the economic theory of households, the approach to the analysis of taking economic decisions varies, if taking into account the characteristics, interests and resources of household members. Thus, the institutional order of households is based on the realization of their functions. Qualitative transformations of these functions’ content, changes in their ratio, lead to changes in the order of functioning the household sector.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29318
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (11)

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