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Название: Использование метода главных компонет для оценки конкурентоспособности машиностроительных предприятий
Авторы: Кендюхов, А.В.
Толкачёв, Д.О.
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность предприятия
метод главных компонент
железнодорожное машиностроение
бухгалтеская отчётность
показатели конкурентоспособности
pca method
enterprise competitiveness
machine building enterprises
indexes of enterprise work
indexes of enterprise work
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, Суми
Библиографическое описание: Толкачов Д.О. Використання методу головних компонент для оцінки конкурентоспроможності машинобудівного підприємства [Текст] / О.В. Кендюхов, Д.О. Толкачов Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. – Суми,2013. – №4– С.219-227.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена применению метода главных компонент для оценки конкурентоспомобности машиностроительных предприятий. Определены недостатки существующих интегральных методов оценки конкурентоспособности предприятия. Сформирован перечень параметров, влияющих на конкурентоспособность, и с помощью метода главных компонент вычислено их соотношение. Произведён контрольный расчёт параметра конкурентоспособности для пяти машиностроительных предприятий.
Описание: The Subject of investigation is developing the reliable method of estimation of enterprise competitiveness. Taking into account drawbacks of the present integral method of estimation of enterprise competitiveness, namely: general using method of expert estimation, calculation of competitiveness on the basis of small number of factors, using hard-to-get data, it is offered to use such requirements to the new method: there shouldn’t be subjective estimation while calculating the final value or any other component. It is necessary to take into account as more factors as possible which influence the enterprise competitiveness. Information on which the calculation of competitiveness is based must be in financial report. The developing method must be mathematically based. It is offered to use method of factor analysis for consolidation of odd indexes of enterprise competitiveness. The main purpose of factor analysis is to find out hypothetical values or factors based on small number of experimental data. Factors must be simple and describe and explain investigated values in a precise way. So the factor analysis is the method which orders seeming random nature of the investigated phenomenon and generates new ideas. On the basis of calculated main components it is possible to build simpler and at the same time more informative system of description of enterprise competitiveness, estimate the force of cause-and-effect relations between the factors and found main components, investigate possibilities of changing analyzed factors under the influence of main components. Besides the given results of grouping according to main components may be used to carry out comparative analysis of factors due to which enterprise has got the best results in rising competitiveness. It will allow finding out new trends of growth of effectiveness of using productive resources. It is offered to use the following indexes of enterprise work as a factor for the method of main components: 1. Coefficient of financial autonomy. It shows which part of asset’s cost is the own capital (how enterprise is independent from creditors). 2. Coefficient of current liquidity – characterizes enterprise capability to guarantee short-term duties by selling circulating assets. It gives the most general estimation of assets’ liquidity. 3. Coefficient of general rotational velocity of assets – one of the main indexes of an enterprise business activity (characterizes the width of product market). 4. Assets profitability – characterizes the level of profit from enterprise’s assets. This index directly depends on demand on enterprise’s products, so it can be used as indirect index of enterprise competitiveness. 5. Coefficient of provision of turnover with own circulating assets. It provides the truest estimation of enterprise provision with own circulating assets as it synthesizes the results of balance and report about financial results of enterprise for the investigated period. For defining coefficient of competitiveness of machine building enterprises it was chosen plants which work in the field of railway machine building: LLC «Azovobschemash», LLC «Dneprowagonmash», «Krukovo wagon building plant»LTD, «Holding Luganskteplovoz»»LTD, «Stakhanov wagon building plant»LTD. The first main component (factor 1) explains 81,48% of general variation, because if we include only the first component, we describe 81,48% of changes of four components with one variable. It is quite enough for practical usage. After data analysis in the pack Statistica it was got the ratio which expresses indexes dependence of enterprise competitiveness. So it was developed new method of calculating enterprise competitiveness based on the method of main components. This method meets all the requirements. It may be used for analyzing other enterprise competitiveness.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/28513
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