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Випуск 42 >
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Другие названия: | Моделювання процесу зміни критеріїв прийняття рішень в системі управління підприємством MODELING THE PROCESS OF CHANGING THE DECISION MAKING CRITERIA IN THE SYSTEM OF COMPANY MANAGEMENT |
Авторы: | Шевченко, В.В. SHEVCHENKO, V.V. |
Ключевые слова: | управление критерий принятия решения интересы участников прибыль безопасность модифицированная модель Маслоу management decision-making criteria participants interests income safety Maslow's modified model управління критерій прийняття рішення інтереси учасників прибуток безпека модифікована модель Маслоу |
Дата публикации: | 2012 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 42. – Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2012. – 185 с. |
Аннотация: | В работе рассмотрена проблема изменения критериев принятия решений в системе управления предприятием. Установлено, что до настоящего времени не существует единого подхода для решения данной проблемы. На примере «парадокса Алле» в статье рассмотрены формально-логический и аналитический подходы, которые используются для решения данной проблемы. Предложено использовать модифицированную модель Маслоу, которая позволит получать обоснованный ответ о необходимости выбора наиболее целесообразного критерия принятия решения в управлении предприятием. |
Описание: | Under conditions of unstable market economy, the company adaptation processes become the object of economists' attention. The practice has shown that managers of companies and organizations should make timely changes in their activities in order to achieve the objectives set in changing conditions.
Until now there has not been formed a single concept that would completely explain the cause and conditions under which there appears a need to change already taken decisions and / or to take new ones. Most authors who study decision- making processes in the economy make use of a simple decision-making scheme which is built on the same stages of cause-effect chain: 1) problems identification; 2) development and analysis of possible problem solution ways; 3) realization of decisions taken; 4) the stage of control.
The above algorithm is based on the assumption of the primary character (presumption) of a problem: first the problem appears (or is identified) - and only afterwards it is solved. However, such an approach should be considered one-sided. In practice, there often appear situations in which the change of earlier decisions is not connected to the appearance (or identification) of new problems, but with the emergence of new perspective opportunities in enterprise or organization functioning. In this case, the standard sequence of manager's actions in decisionmaking changes.
For the decision not to be intuitive, the director (manager) of the company or organization must have reliable and logical methodological tools to justify the decisionmaking. This article is devoted to partial solution of this problem.
The problem of feedback management mechanism formalization can be demonstrated on the example of "Allais paradox," which is often studied when analyzing the problem of decision- making. The paradox of Allais can be tried to be solved using the data of individuals' questioning or using the analytical method. These methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this article suggests using the approach proposed by the author in modifying Maslow method of needs hierarchy. Modification of this method lies in the fact that the Maslow's standard hierarchy of needs can be represented as a multi-level system. In this system, each individual level of needs (physiological needs, the need for safety and security, social needs, the need for respect and the need for self-expression) satisfaction can be divided into separate sublevels. The main hypothesis (idea) of this approach is that the individual, who has a certain level of income, will prioritize promotion to a higher level of income (profit). In this case, the problem of decision-making criteria choice can be solved in a standard way. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28032 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 42
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