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Серия: Экономическая >
Випуск 3(45) >
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Название: | Эффективный контракт в вузе: от теоретической концепции к реальному изменению положения преподавателя |
Другие названия: | Ефективний контракт у вузі: від теоретичної концепції до реальної зміни положення викладача EFFECTIVE CONTRACT AT A HIGHER SCHOOL: FROM THEORETICAL CONCEPT TO A REAL CHANGE IN THE STATUS OF TEACHERS |
Авторы: | КУРБАТОВА, М.В. Курбатова, М.В. KURBATOVА, M.V. |
Ключевые слова: | академический контракт стимулирующий контракт эффективная заработная плата академические свободы академічний контракт стимулюючий контракт ефективна заробітна плата академічні свободи academic contract incentive contracts the effective wage and academic freedom |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. |
Аннотация: | Целью статьи является институциональный анализ намеченных в официальных документах мероприятий по переходу на принципы эффективного контракта и определение возможных последствий данного перехода на переговорные позиции преподавателей вузов. В статье описаны основные характеристики академического контракта, выделены его принципы и определены институциональные условия реализации. Дана сравнительная характеристика принципов концепции эффективного контракта «университет – преподаватель» и принципов, устанавливаемых в нормативных актах РФ по совершенствованию системы
оплаты труда в вузах. Показано, что в принятых нормативных актах «эффективный контракт» из инструмента обеспечения эффективности университета как социального института, превращается в один из инструментов оптимизации расходов на высшее образование в целом и сокращения бюджетных обязательств государства, а также усиления бюрократического давления на вузы и преподавателей. |
Описание: | The purpose of this paper is an institutional analysis of activities outlined in the official documents of the Russian Federation for the transition on the principles of effective contract and possible implications of the transition to the negotiating positions of teachers at Russian universities.
Academic contract is regarded as an institutional agreement, which defines the conditions of academic employment of professors. The following principles of the "University - teacher" contract execution as being motivating are identified: providing university professors with salaries at the level similar to the one established in the labor market for employees with similar qualification, improving the university teachers skills by selecting the most competitive workers on the labor market and enabling their academic development, ensuring a high level of teachers 'academic interest' by limiting educational and academic load and creating the conditions for academic development, differentiation in terms of the teachers training and administrative burden, salary conditions and areas of career, focusing on outcomes rather than by encouraging current personal achievements, but rather because of the distribution of residual income.
there was determined implementation of an effective institutional framework contract: universities should be really autonomous, and within them academic freedoms should be available for teachers, universities must not be at the mercy of the budget money, they should be free to choose their market strategy and uses of financial resources; there should be developed market for teachers, a contract between the faculty and the university should be the result of negotiations and reflect the balance of power of their negotiating positions.
The paper gives comparative characteristics of the concept principles of an effective contract "University - teacher" and the principles established in the regulations of the Russian Federation to improve the pay system at universities. There is revealed a double distortion in the adopted regulations, ideas, and concepts of effective contract. First, from the means of achieving the university effectiveness as a social institution the "effective contract" becomes a tool to optimize the costs of higher education in general and decreasing budgetary obligations of the state, as well as strengthening the bureaucratic pressure on schools and teachers. Second, it gets rid of the content to ensure the contract worker interaction, characterized by a special system of preferences, with the university as an important social institute; it is an economic shell - ensuring the growth of the labor effort expended on the payroll.
It is shown that the main difference between the concept principles of an effective contract from a formal decision is that the former is the result of effective contract negotiations and competition, and in the second case it is established by administrative and bureaucratic procedures. A real contender for the final residual income is the government (through the Ministry of Finance). It is trying to build a system of external stimuli and bureaucratic control in the chain of agency relations "government - university - faculty of the university." Central agents competing for residual income and control, teachers turn to conventional agents became completely dependent on the administration of universities. This does not only reduce the internal motivation and individual per-formance of teachers, but also increases the costs of control over their activities. Thus eliminated, and monitoring mechanisms of the university administration by teachers.
It is concluded that while introducing the principles of "effective contract" in the pay system in the Russian universities the issue of negotiations between universities and teachers on the reorganization of the reward system is replaced by reorganizing the wage system with administrative and bureaucratic methods with tightening the rules of their state budget funding. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27985 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 3(45)
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