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Название: Патологические социально-экономические процессы
Другие названия: Патологічні соціально-економічні процеси
Авторы: ПАВЛОВ, К.В.
Павлов, К.В.
Ключевые слова: pathological processes of socio-economic development
regional level
territorial disparities
патологічні процеси
соціально-економічний розвиток
регіональний рівень
територіальні диспропорції
патологические процессы
социально-экономическое развитие
региональный уровень
территориальные диспропорции
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Определяется необходимость и целесообразность изучения патологических социально-экономических процессов на разных уровнях общественной иерархии, в том числе на региональном уровне. Выявляются также основные классики, институционализм
Описание: The paper identifies the need and feasibility of studying pathological social and economic pro-cesses at different levels of the social hierarchy, including at the regional level. It also identifies major territorial imbalances in the development of the Russian economy. Social and economic crises have been known since ancient times. Thus, the cyclical crises of overproduction occur in the capi-talist system once per ten - fifteen years for more than two centuries. Transformational crises, the crises of social systems are even more ancient and began to appear on the stage of human civilization development. However, so far there has been no deeply developed scientific concept about the causes of emerging crises, their classification, the methods and forms of their elimination. In this case, the relevance of creating such a concept has recently increased significantly due to the more frequent occurrence of diverse crises and increase of their influence on the life of the society. It is enough to remember the Great Depression, the socio-economic transformation of post-социалист system, all kinds of technogenic disasters, the Asian financial crises and, finally, the current world economic crisis that touched Russia as well. The scientific concept is necessary to identify the causes and factors of emerging crises, the general and specific in their development, and to reveal the main types of transformations of the Refor-mation type, which have formed the basis of the strategy to overcome the crisis and the accompa-nying transition processes and phenomena. The world experience shows that the crisis is inherent in any kind of social and economic sys-tem, at least the world history does not know any case of crisis-free development of a country. Ac-celeration of social development has led to more frequent occurrence of crises. As for the causes of any crisis, there are usually a number of them, though, of course, the importance and role of dif-ferent reasons are ambiguous. It is likely that some crises are associated with the effect of medi-um-and long waves like the Kondratieff waves, which are explained by the natural cycle of chang-ing technologies; it is possible that the crisis of the Russian society is, to a certain extent, "obliged" to this factor. All these problems should be dealt with by a new area of knowledge ‒ pathologic economics. This term was first proposed by us to describe the science about crisis, transitional socio-economic processes and states, the types and forms of pro-duction pathologies, social imbalances. This new area of economics focuses on the analysis and classification of the crisis factors, a typology of forms and types of crisis conditions, all kinds of imbalances, identifying the ways and means to overcome the crisis, analysis of the types and vari-eties of reforms, the study of general regularities and specific features of crisis conditions, as well as economic problems of contingency assessment. The crisis state of any system calls for its restruc-turing, reform and transition into some other quality, i.e. in other words, there is an objective need in emerging transitional processes and states. In this regard pathoeconomics should also deal with the problems of objective determination of choosing the targets to be reached by the system analyzed, the classification of these targets, the identification of patterns, forms and methods of transition to the new state, the development of an optimal strategy for the transition, etc. But the most important task of pathoeco-nomics, along with laying the foundations of sci-entific classification of the socio-economic body’s diseases, is to develop methods and ways to treat a variety of economic illnesses. The fact is that the crisis phenomena are painful, suffered by certain individuals; that is why in this case there are in-tensely sought the ways and means of early recov-ery from the crisis. In other words, the crisis is seen as an anomaly, a deviation from some normal state of the economic system. Thus, if to draw cer-tain parallels between economics and medicine, the crisis can be seen as a disease, a deviation from the normal, healthy economic state (in this context, the most important section of pathoeco-nomics is the diagnosis of economic diseases and the development of methods for their treatment.) In this connection, similar to the science of abnormal psychology, a science designed to exam-ine the economic diseases and their treatment, the forms and types of socio-economic pathologies was proposed to call pathoeconomics, although we emphasize again that we are well aware of cer-tain convention of any analogy, and therefore do not exclude that the new science will eventually get another, perhaps more apt name. It is neces-sary to clarify that the term "pathologic process" is formed from the Greek "pathos" meaning disease, and pathopsychology studies general regularities of mental illnesses, an analysis of the mechanisms of psychopathological disorders. Currently pathoeconomics is in its infancy, so it is too early to speak about pathoeconomics’ differentiation (as well as till the end of the XIXth century, the division of general pathology into the pathological anatomy and pathological physiology was blurred). But over time, as the science devel-ops, there will surely appear the differentiated branches of pathoeconomics, just as there ap-peared specialized sections in pathopsychology. In our opinion, it is quite actual that there will appear such areas as regional pathoeconomics studying the regional pathologies and territorial characteris-tics of crisis and social and economic processes; pathoeconomics of industries, exploring the pa-thologies and imbalances in sectors, abnormal phenomena in various industries; company’s pathoeconomics that studies crises and their treatment at the basic level of a business, historic pathoeconomics analyzing the state of crisis in the past, etc. These and similar questions are reflected in this article.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27886
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1(43)

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