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Серия: Экономическая >
Випуск 42 >
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Другие названия: | Взаємодія процесів соціалізації індивіда та інституціональної трансформації суспільства INTERACTION BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL'S SOCIALIZATION PROCESS AND INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE SOCIETY |
Авторы: | ПИЛИПЕНКО, Ю.И. ПИЛИПЕНКО, А.Н. PILIPENKO, Y.I. PILIPENKO, A.N. Пилипенко, Ю.І. Пилипенко, Г.М. |
Ключевые слова: | индивид институциональная трансформация социализация образование и воспитание ценности індивід інституціональна трансформація соціалізація цінності освіта та виховання individual institutional transformation socialization values education and training |
Дата публикации: | 2012 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 42. – Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2012. – 185 с. |
Аннотация: | Исследуются проблемы, с которыми связаны процессы социализации индивида, передачи и воспроизведения знаний в обществе. Поскольку именно образование создает особую ментальность, задает вектор интеллектуального прогресса, обеспечивая тем самым подготовку индивидов к восприятию новой реальности, то актуализируется необходимость достижения определенного единства ценностных ориентиров индивидов за счет задействования механизмов социального принуждения. |
Описание: | The problems which are associated with the processes of socialization, transmission and reproduction of knowledge in society have been analyzed. In the network of current economic research there are very simplistic views of the connection processes between information assimilation and processing and value attitudes of individuals and their socialization, and there is no holistic theory that would put the rate of institutional change in dependence on cognitive processes.
Any person in the course of their life forms the specific social context and enters into a relationship with other people. At the same time they develop their life-long term strategy according to the community social norms which they identify themselves with. This signifies that the motivation for activity can be values and norms that a person has learned and accepted as a member of a relevant social group. It is these elements of motivation that make the most inertial component of social transformations since they do not allow economic subjects to adopt new rules and regulations quickly and form their behavior based on them. Therefore, to implement effective reforms aimed at establishing certain institutions, there is required the deliberate work with values, with the formation of educational and training systems, which could make it possible to create new lines of human consciousness.
However, people, due to their biological and genetic continuity, psychological features, certain levels of categorical structures of consciousness and various cognitive abilities, do not perceive social values similarly. At the same time not all of these values have internal approval and recognition by certain individuals. Because of this,all of theoretical models that assume that individuals respond to the same information similarly, digest value in the same way, and based on them act equally being involved into social net of institutions, can be considered too far from reality.
Quality of institutional changes depends on the ability of society to form inner value orientation of human activities, certain ways of their thinking and their conduct. Therefore, the reforms should primarily be directed at improving the quality of education and training, self- development of people and continuous improvement of their cultural and intellectual levels, at ideological adjusting to social interaction and voluntary solidarity of cultural values. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27114 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 42
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