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Серия: Экономическая >
Випуск 3(45) >
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Другие названия: | Інституційні аспекти управління трансформаційними процесами в соціально-економічних системах INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF MANAGING TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES IN THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS |
Авторы: | Гордиенко, Л.Ю. Гордієнко, Л.Ю. GORDIENKO, L.YU. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональные аспекты социально-экономические системы трансформационные процессы управление institutional aspects socioeconomic systems management інституційні аспекти соціально-економічні системи трансформаційні процеси управління |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. |
Аннотация: | Рассмотрены институциональные аспекты управления трансформационными процессами в социально-экономических системах (СЭС) различных уровней. Обосновано, что новые вызовы со стороны внешней среды СЭС, в том числе под влиянием периодически происходящего финансового и экономического кризиса, требуют системного учета и анализа институциональных аспектов. Предлагается рассмотреть систему управления организационными трансформационными процессами как открытую систему, внутренняя среда которой представляет собой совокупность производственных, технологических, экономических, социальных, культурных, управленческих и иных институтов, обеспечивающих как сам трансформационный процесс, так и управление им. |
Описание: | The paper considers the institutional aspects of managing the transformation process in the socio-economic systems (SES) at various levels. It is proved that the new challenges from the external environment of SES, including those under the influence of periodically occurring financial and economic crisis require a systematic account and analysis of institutional aspects.
It is proposed to consider the system of managing organizational transformation processes as an open system, the internal environment of which is a combination of industrial, technological, economic, social, cultural, managerial and other institutes supporting the transformation process itself as well as its management.
The external environment of this system, taking into account the approach presented in this paper is seen as a multi-level formation, whose basic levels are the company management system, the industry, the national economy, the international environment. In addition, each of the levels of the environment external to the system is characterized by a set of institutional systems, among which it is proposed to define the political, economic, governmental, legal, social, cultural, environmental, international and other institutes with which a system interacts for managing organizational transformation processes, in particular implementing the transactions necessary for the management of organizational transformations.
In order to analyze the influence of environmental factors on the quality of the public institutions functioning and to identify the factors that can trigger this type of transformation as the modernization of the system of state-government services the Kharkiv National Economic University with the participation of the author carried out the research using the method of questioning during eight years, with the main stages of system transformations that were due to political changes in Ukraine.
The influence of political factors in the external environment on the quality of management services was addressed in two ways: the system of government and political stability.
The analysis showed that the degree of institutional factors' influence differs depending on the level of SES and study periods.
In order to identify the political and institutional factors that can initiate the modernization of the system of state-management services it is appropriate to carry out an analysis of changes in the indices of Ukraine's rating of indicators, which are listed in the reports of the International Economic Forum (The Global Competitiveness Report).
Implementation of the transformational changes such as the modernization of SES at the national level must now take into account the trend of modernization acceleration, characteristic of information age that are associated with institutional changes that are characterized by increasing heterogeneity of the logic of the mechanisms, instruments, procedures and institutions performance.
Institutions, understood as rules of thought and action, as may facilitate the modernization and expansion potential of its factors and the effectiveness of their use and encourage mismanagement of resources and increased costs allocated for the development, in particular transaction costs.
The conclusion confirms the thesis, according to which there is a relationship between the processes of systemic changes taking place in society, economy, and transformation processes characteristic of the business entities. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27103 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 3(45)
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