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Название: | Интернализованный политический ресурс в современной экономике России: общая характеристика и количественная оценка для предпринимателей малого и среднего бизнеса |
Другие названия: | Інтерналізований політичний ресурс в сучасній економіці Росії: загальна характеристика та кількісна оцінка для підприємців малого та середнього бізнесу INTERNALIZED POLITICAL RESOURCE IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN ECONOMY: A GENERAL OVERVIEW AND QUANTIFICATION FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESSES |
Авторы: | Левин, С.Н. Каган, Е.С. Левін, С.М. Каган, О.С. LEVIN, S.N. KAGAN, E.S. |
Ключевые слова: | интернализованный политический ресурс близость к власти інтерналізований політичний ресурс близькість до влади internalized political resource proximity to power |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. |
Аннотация: | Статья посвящена разработке модели количественной оценки интернализованного политического ресурса накопленного средним и малым бизнесом и её апробированию на базе результатов, полученных в ходе социологического опроса предпринимателей Кемеровской области. |
Описание: | A characteristic feature of modern Russia is the active use of political resource by entrepreneurs, turning it into an important source of individual competitive advantages. This is due to the fact that under current circumstances of hybrid political-bureaucratic market established in the country the access to the internalized political resource becomes the condition for survival and development of the business. Internalization of political resources also means "blurring" of private property. This situation is of particular importance due to the urgent need for a reorientation of the domestic economy to the innovative way of development as a significant effect on the incentives of entrepreneurs to invest in Schumpeterian type innovation (creative innovation), and the validity of the classical methods of government stimulation of innovation. Therefore, to assess the possible reorientation of the domestic economy to innovative development it is of fundamental importance to quantity evaluation of the internalized political resource accumulated by Russian entrepreneurs.
The purpose of this study is to develop a scoring model of internalized political resources accumulated by small and medium businesses and its testing on the basis of the results obtained during the survey of entrepreneurs in the Kemerovo region.
The following scheme of analysis has been applied: an indicator of the entrepreneurs' having internationalized political resource is the "proxim-ity to power," which falls into a system of partial indicators to be measured. The algorithm for esti-mating the proximity to power is as follows:
1. Selecting the most important criteria for evaluating the proximity to power, depending on the class of business
2. Choosing the method of scaling the initial information in order to bring the original data to a single dimensionless measurement system
3. Introducing a reference entrepreneur characterized by the proximity to the power (the distance to the zero power structures). The value of all considered criteria for the entrepreneur is one.
4. Constructing the integral evaluation index of proximity to power as a weighted Euclidean distance to the reference.
For small and medium businesses the fol-lowing criteria were selected: K1-level social capital of the second type, K2 - the degree of cooperation with the authorities. For a reference entrepreneur those indicators to be equal to one: R1 = 1, R2 = 1.
The analysis confirms that the development of individual businesses in the small and medium business involves the accumulation of internalized political resource. Significantly, the average value of a political resource in the group of medium business entrepreneurs is significantly higher than in the group of small businesses. Declining trend among entrepreneurs who belong to big business is possible to explain by reduced importance for them of significance of indirect forms of access to internalized political resources related to the onset of the possibilities of direct access to the authorities. In this case, the predominance of the surveyed entrepreneurs in low-and middle-political resource (46% and 34% respectively), with a minimum percentage of owners of high-level (2%) corresponds to the specifics of the small and medium business, confirming the close relationship between the size of the business and political les¬sons internalized resource. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26342 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 1(43)
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