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Серія: Електротехніка та енергетика >
Випуск № 2 (15) >
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Другие названия: | Оптимізація перетинів провідників у реальній розгалуженій розподільній мережі з метою зменшення втрат електроенергії Optimization of Conductor Sizes in a Real Multibranch Distribution Network for Energy Losses Reduction |
Авторы: | Халил, Т.М. Горпинич, А.В. Халіл, Т.М. Горпинич, О.В. KHALIL, T. GORPINICH, A. |
Ключевые слова: | распределительная сеть замена сечений проводников сложная многокритериальная нелинейная оптимизация селективный метод роя частиц снижение потерь электроэнергии distribution network reconductoring complicated multi-objective nonlinear optimization selective particle swarm optimization energy losses reduction розподільна мережа заміна перетинів провідників складна багатокритеріальна нелінійна оптимізація селективний метод рою частинок зменшення втрат електроенергії |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 2 (15), 2013 р., 338 с. |
Серия/номер: | Электротехника и энергетика; |
Аннотация: | С помощью селективного метода роя частиц реализован простой и эффективный алгоритм оптимизации
сечений проводников в распределительной сети сложной конфигурации. На примере действующей схемы
электроснабжения восточной части г. Мариуполя, содержащей 3 подстанции, 37 фидеров, 274 узла нагрузки,
284 ветви и 11 нормально разомкнутых коммутационных аппаратов, показан возможный экономический
эффект от внедрения мероприятий по замене сечений проводников. |
Описание: | A
simple and effective algorithm applying the selective particle swarm optimization to optimal conductor size selection in
the large-scale distribution network is realized. Selective particle swarm optimization is a simple modification of the
binary particle swarm optimization to search in a selected space. Before applying it to any problem, the specifying the
number of dimensions and finding the search space for each dimension are needed. In reconductoring problem, the
number of dimensions equals to the number of candidate branches whereas the search space for each dimension is a set
of conductor standard sizes. The objective function is formulated to minimize the total cost of losses and investments,
with constraints including the minimum and maximum limits of bus voltages and the maximum allowable current for
each selected conductor. The annual benefits are obtained from the savings produced by reduction of energy losses and
avoiding the costs due to investment deferral in the expansion of network which can be verified as a reduction of maxi-
mum power. To present economic benefits from reconductoring, the single line diagram of practical distribution net-
work supplying the eastern part of city Mariupol is used. It contains 3 substations, 37 feeders, 274 buses, 284 branches
and 11 normally open switches. Before starting network simulation, the main data and assumptions were approved by
measurements on four feeders with highest power losses and voltage drop. In addition to the voltage profile improve-
ment, simulation results indicated the positive economic benefits from reconductoring. After optimization of conductor
sizes, the voltage profile was improved from 0.79 p.u. to 0.893 p.u., power and energy losses were reduced from 7.4 %
to 4.3 % and from 5 % to 2.9 %, respectively. In spite of high cost of conductors (the investment cost is equal to
$2137363 assuming the 10-years lifetime for new selected conductors), the annual saving from reconductoring is equal
to $559726.65, the payback period is equal to 3.82 years and the total saving for all project is equal to $3459903.5 when
considering the cost of both power and energy losses reduction. It should be noted that the economic evaluation is based
on the cost of losses and selected conductors whereas the price of old conductors is ignored. Future work on combined
reconfiguration, capacitor placement and reconductoring of this network is recommended. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23425 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск № 2 (15)
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