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Серія: Електротехніка та енергетика >
Випуск № 2 (15) >
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Другие названия: | Кольороводинамічна система освітлення диспетчерських пунктів енергосистем Dynamic Color Lighting System Control Centers of Power |
Авторы: | Говоров, Ф.П. Говоров, П.П. GOVOROV, F. Романова, Т.И. Романова, Т.І. ROMANOVA, T. Король, О.В. KOROL‘, 0. ГОВОРОВА, Е.В. ГОВОРОВА, К.В. GOVOROVA, E. |
Ключевые слова: | диспетчерский пункт энергосистема освещение светоцветовое воздействие психосоматическое состояние человеческий организм осветительная установка датчик обратная связь система освещения светодиодная лампа цветовая температура яркость диспетчерський пункт енергосистема освітлення світлокольоровий вплив психосоматичний стан людський організм освітлювальна установка датчик зворотній зв 'язок, система освітлення світлодіодний лампа колірна температура яскравість centers of power power system lighting and color effects psychosomatic condition the human body lighting system sensor feedback the lighting system LED light color temperature brightness |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 2 (15), 2013 р., 338 с. |
Серия/номер: | Электротехника и энергетика; |
Аннотация: | Рассматриваются психофизиологические аспекты влияния освещения и его цветности на организм человека. Предложена осветительная установка для освещения диспетчерских пунктов энергосистем обеспечивающая коррекцию психосоматического состояния персонала на суточном интервале. |
Описание: | Currently in connection with widespread use of artificial
lighting in all spheres of human life the increasing urgency is got by questions of light influence of lighting on a
psychosomatic condition of the human. It demands more balanced approach to a choice of parameters and an estimation
of modes of lighting systems. Well known that light influences work not only of the visual analyser, but also an
organism as a whole. Light supervises circadian rhythms, mood, and accordingly human behaviour. Therefore in
lighting installations of utilitarian and, especially, art lighting these factors not only "play" on perception of the human,
but also complicate perception of objects, exteriors or compositions in whole, and in specific case in a certain way
influence health of the human. The most profound effect on the human condition is rendered by colour of a composition
and its dynamics. It was most pronounced at the reflexion in installations with light-emitting diode light sources in
connection with possibility of creation of special, focused on concrete conditions and tasks colored light dynamic
lighting systems. Therefore in modern conditions the light source should be considered not only as a source of certain
length of a wave of radiation, from the point of view of distinction of illuminated object and an evaluation by eye of its
colored light characteristics, but also from the point of view of complex reaction of an organism on colored light
irritants, and also dynamics of their change. In connection with this lighting installations carmot be considered in the
form of simple set of electric networks, lighting electro receivers and protectively-switching equipment any more. It
demands, representation of lighting installations in the form of difficult bioengineering systems by corresponding
developing of methods and technical facilities of lighting. Dynamic systems of artificial lighting adapted for
conditions and modes of the natural lighting are more completely correspond to reviewed conditions. The publication
analysis. The question condition. Well known that one of factors of human life and activities is lighting. It is proved that
in December-January when it is not enough sunlight, depression and grief is more often appeared. About importance of
lighting in vital activities processes testifies presence of the illnesses, caused by surplus of dark blue colour (tumour)
ultragreen, the illnesses caused by surplus of red colour (inflammation) - infragreen etc. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23367 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск № 2 (15)
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