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Серія: Електротехніка та енергетика >
Випуск № 1 (14) >
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Другие названия: | Експериментальне дослідження макету системи активного екранування магнітного поля поблизу струмопроводів електростанцій Experimental Research of the Prototyping System of Active Screening of Magnetic Field Near Power Stations Bus |
Авторы: | Кузнецов, Б.И. Никитина, Т.Б. Пелевин, Д.Е. Бовдуй, И.В. Волошко, А.В. Виниченко, Е.В. Котляров, Д.А. Кузнецов, Б.І. Нікітіна, Т.Б. Пелевін, Д.Є. Бовдуй, І.В. Волошко, О.В. Вініченко, О.В. KUZNETSOV, B. NIKITINA, T. PELEVIN, D.E. BOVDUI, I. VOLOSHKO, A. VINICHENKO, E. KOTLYAROV, D. |
Ключевые слова: | magnetic field of industrial frequency power stations bus active screening system, model experimental researches експериментальні дослідження магнітне поле промислової частоти струмопровод система активного екранування макет магнитное поле промышленной частоты токопровод система активного экранирования экспериментальные исследования |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 1 (14), 2013 р., 358 с. |
Аннотация: | Разработана методика экспериментального исследования макета системы активного экранирования искажений магнитного поля промышленной частоты вблизи токопроводов электростанций с помощью управляемых источников магнитного поля. Результаты экспериментальных исследований подтверждают возможность достижения необходимой эффективности экранирования для обеспечения требований санитарных норм на рабочем месте вблизи токопровода электростанции. Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований макета системы компенсации. |
Описание: | In the Magnetism of Technical Objects Science and Technology Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine theoretical and experimental researches of external magnetic field of power-stations equipment is performed. It is shown, that the basic sources of magnetic field by frequency 50 Hertz are power stations bus units, which create a magnetic field by 3-5 times exceeding a maximum-possible level of modern sanitary norms and presents a health hazard personnel. For reduction of level of magnetic field in the whole world the systems are developed of the active screening. In the Magnetism of Technical Objects Science and Technology Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine physical models are made of three-phase power stations bus and system of the active screening of magnetic field on the job position near the power stations bus. In the area of compensation of distortion of magnetic field the guided sources are placed of magnetic field, oriented in space definitely. Of synthesis of the system of the active screening of magnetic field of industrial near the power stations bus a synthesis is the first step of sources of handling magnetic field, by which potentially it is possible to create a magnetic field with the required spatio-temporal structure. The prototyping system of the active screening consists of five compensative puttees, engulfing job position and forming a compensating magnetic field. General approach is developed to the decision of task of the active screening of magnetic field on the job positions near the power stations bus, securing a theoretical decision of task of synthesis of the guided sources, able to create a compensative magnetic field with the necessary spatial descriptions. For the decision of task of the active screening of magnetic field it is necessary to define control principles by these sources and synthesize handling part of the system of the active screening of magnetic field. We developed and made physical models of three- phase power stations bus and systems of the active screening of magnetic field and their experimental researches are conducted. Results of experimental researches confirm possibility of achievement of necessary efficiency of screening for providing of requirements of sanitary norms on the job position near the power stations bus. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23169 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск № 1 (14)
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