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Другие названия: Increasing the Approximation Order of Parallel Block One-Step Difference Scheme for Solving the Cauchy Problem
Підвищення порядку апроксимації паралельних блокових однокрокових різницевих схем розв’язання задачі Коші
Авторы: Дмитриева, О.А.
Dmitrieva, O.A.
Дмитрієва, О.А.
Ключевые слова: задача Коші
точки колокації
паралельний метод
старші похідні
Cauchy problem
collocation points
parallel method
higher derivatives
задача Коши
точки коллокации
параллельный метод
старшие производные
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: Донецький національний технічний університет
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Обчислювальна техніка та автоматизація. Випуск 1 (24). - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. С - 104-112
Аннотация: Разработаны параллельные блочные коллокационные методы, содержащие производные высших порядков для решения задачи Коши. Получены коэффициенты расчетных схем коллокационных одношаговых блочных методов. Для разработанных методов определены условия устойчивости, порядки точности и доказана сходимость по начальным данным и по правой части. Сгенерированные расчетные формулы обладают меньшей вычислительной сложностью, повышенным порядком аппроксимации и являются весьма эффективными при решении жестких уравнений.
Описание: The paper deals with the numerical realization of the Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations and their systems in parallel computer systems. The block collocation methods are developed that allow us to find a solution simultaneously in all the calculating points of the block, which reduces the time of obtaining the solution even for the sequential implementation. In order to align the order of approximation in all the calculating points of the block the additional higher-order derivatives are introduced into the difference schemes. The collocation methods are based on the Hermite interpolation polynomials, the orders of which are equal to the number of collocation points. Interpolation polynomials with multiple nodes are constructed in the form of recurrence relations or are obtained by taking the limiting process of the Lagrange and Newton polynomials. The introduction of the additional derivatives does not increase the dimension of the system, so the computational cost is the same as in the case of solving by the stage collocation methods or their corresponding implicit Runge-Kutta methods. Thus, the one-step multi-point collocation method is s times more efficient than the corresponding one-step one-point collocation method in the speed of obtaining the solution with the fixed step, but has at the same time high order of approximation. In addition, for a fixed accuracy of obtaining the results the time of searching for solutions is also significantly reduced due to the possibility of integration with a big step. The conditions of stability, the order of accuracy and the convergence of the initial data and of the right-hand side are determined for the developed methods. It is proved that the methods are A( )  stable with the values of close to 90. The software for generating the coefficients of design schemes of collocation one-step block methods of a given order of accuracy is developed. The systems of difference equations with arbitrarily imposed collocation points and the additional derivatives are given as the examples. It is shown that the order of approximation of the introduced methods is much higher than classical models, and is the same in all calculating points of the block. Thus, the developed design numerical schemes have less computational complexity, high approximation order and are very efficient in solving stiff equations.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22577
ISSN: 2075-4272
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (24)'2013

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