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Випуск № 2 (15) >

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Другие названия: Мікропроцесорне швидкодіюче АВР для систем електропостачання з асинхронними двигунами
Microprocessor Fast-acting ATS for Power Supply Systems with Asynchronous Motors
Авторы: Сивокобыленко, Виталий Федорович
Ткаченко, Сергей Николаевич
Деркачёв, Сергей Владимирович
Деркачов, Сергій Володимирович
Sivokobilenko, V.
Derkachev, S.
Tkachenko, S.
Ключевые слова: быстродействующее автоматическое включение резерва
несинхронная подача напряжения
асинхронный двигатель
несинхронна подача напруги
швидкодіюче автоматичне включення резерву
асинхронний двигун
fast-acting automatic transfer switch
asynchronous motors
nonsynchronous voltage supply
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 2 (15), 2013 р., 338 с.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена вопросу повышения надёжности систем электроснабжения с асинхронными двигателями за счёт применения быстродействующего автоматического включения резерва в микропроцессорном исполнении. Предлагаемое устройство позволяет сократить время перерыва в питании и предотвратить несинхронную подачу напряжения на двигатели, которые потеряли питание.
Описание: The usage of fast-acting automatic transfer switch in case of brief power supply loss for any reason allow to restore before-failure operation mode of motors and prevent violation of the complex technological process of industrial installations, as well as reduce the number of motor starts, which greatly increases their service life. The development of microprocessor techniques and power equipment allows improving known methods of fast-acting automatic transfer switch, which based on determining the direction of the active power. However, at presence only asynchronous motors known methods of fast- acting automatic transfer switch do not provide reliable operation due to the rapid attenuation of the working voltage on the power supply bus-bars in magnitude and angle and also due to a large number of measurements required to determine the direction of the active power, which increases the operating time of fast-acting automatic transfer switch. This article proposes a microprocessor implementation of the known device for automatic switching backup power supply consumers with motor load, which is based on controlling the angle between the two voltage vectors of two sections which reserve each other. The proposed device operates as follows. After a power failure on the first section the system of electromotive force vectors of rushing out engine begins to rotate relative to the system voltage vectors of the second section and the voltage on the first section begins to decline. When the angle between the vectors of the two sections to achieve the value 90 ° and the voltage reduction of the first section will be below a predetermined level the input switch will be switch-off. The switch-on of the section switch occurs when a voltage difference between the two sections will be less 1.4Unom.For proper operation of the device is provided the block, which eliminates false switching of section switch when the difference between the voltages more than 1.4Unom. The application of this device, combined with modern high-speed switches at the loss of power supply on the section for any reason will perform switching to a backup power source in the shortest possible time and to exclude non-synchronous voltage supply to the running out motors, which greatly reduces the duration and level of starting currents of the motor.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23509
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск № 2 (15)

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